Monday, December 12, 2011

Lipitor Gone Generic

Lipitor generic, Atorvastatin, has been added to the drug list with Anthem as of November 30, 2011.  This generic is tier 1 and will be a significant savings for members if they choose to take the generic. The tier 1 with Anthem is the lowest co-pay for members.  As always, members would want to consult with their Physicians if the generic would be suitable for them to switch to.
Also, Anthem announced the name brand, Lipitor, as of December 5, 2011, has moved to tier 3. Depending on the plan members are enrolled in, the full cost of the name brand could be the member's cost. Members are advised to check on the particular drug benefit they have to determine how this will impact them.
If you have any questions or need more information on this the Anthem website is a great tool to utilize for any drug changes with Express Scripts or you can always contact Customer Care with McGohan Brabender and we’ll be happy to assist.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Healthcare Reform Preventive List

New guidelines with Healthcare Reform now provide some preventive services to be paid by your carrier at 100%.  We have posted the general list from the  website below.  With any health insurance carrier, services are only processed as preventive if coded as such by your doctor.
            Preventive care is usually precautionary.  An example would be if your doctor orders a colonoscopy because of your age and codes the claim as preventive, this would process under the preventive benefit.  But, if your doctor recommends a colonoscopy to investigate symptoms, and codes the claim as diagnostic, this would not be considered preventive.