Friday, May 27, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Your HSA Does Not Match Your Deductible

Health Savings Accounts (or HSAs) can be a wonderful - but at times confusing - way to address costs with high deductible health plans. Often, members find themselves trying to reconcile discrepencies when their deductibles and and HSA funds do not match up.

Our team has created an HSA Tracker to help with the process of reconciling, but when discrepencies are found, the next step is trying to figure out why. In order to help make this process easier, our team will be posting shorts blogs discussing the top 10 reasons that HSAs do not match up with deductibles over the next few weeks. If you find yourself trying to reconcile your HSA and want to figure out the root cause of the issue, you can use our checklist of the Top 10 Reasons You HSA Does Not Match Your Deductible to help figure out where the issue is coming from. Think you've found the reason? Check out our blogposts explaining how each of these reasons can create uneven balances:

10. Your employer contributions are prorated or you have not yet received the full year’s funds.